Harli Seifert
Theo was actually to blame for everything, Harli Seifert's husband, who has died in the meantime. The couple, who lived in Darmstadt at the time, he was an architect and she was a draftsman and interior designer, took riding lessons. But Harli Seifert was initially suspicious of horses. That all changed, especially when they found Chica. The dark bay Chronos daughter came from the famous Rudinate line. Seen. Bought.

Chica was initially Harli Seifert's jumping, hunting and leisure horse before she advanced to become an internationally highly successful eventing horse with Wolfgang Mengers.
After the end of her sporting career, Chica started her second career as a broodmare at the age of 13 - under the name Rudilore II. In 1979 she foaled Voila, and a year later Voici (alias Ruling Chica). Sire of the two bay mares was Otto Ammermann's Olympic all-round crack Volturno.
Then as now, Harli Seifert relied on her own intuition: "I wanted to breed performance horses with wealth and ambition."

Voila branch
Voila became mother of various sport horses and the St.Pr.St. Rumina (by Ramino), who produced the licensed and internationally successful Gio Granno (by Grannus). In 2001, Harli Seifert was awarded the gold plaque for "special animal breeding achievements" for his breeding.
Grannuschka, the full sister of Gio Granno, has four licensed sons: Conterno Grande (by Contender), Couleur Rubin and Couleur Rouge (both by Cordalmé) and Congress (by Cornet Obolensky). The licensed stallions Don Chico and Royal Kingdom also come from the Voila branch.

Champion mare Donna Doria
​Harli Seifert grew very fond of her horses. And so Wilhelm Sieverding also remembers tough sales negotiations, but in the end he got the Donnerschlag-Rosenkavalier filly by Harli Seifert, who became the Oldenburg Champion Mare in 2000 under the name Donna Doria.
Ruling Chica branch
The Ruling Chica branch resulted in the four-year-old stallion Tantris, who was sold to the USA and was successful in Grand Prix there, and the brother sextet Rubin Royal, Romanov Blue Hors, Rumicello, Rubino Vincento, Rubin Action and Rockefeller Blue Hors. In particular, the main premium winner and then successful in Grand Prix dressage tests under Hendrik Lochthowe, Rubin Royal proved to be a mare magnet at the Seifert'sche Hengststation, which opened in Löningen-Lodbergen in 1997.

Breeding goal: performance horses
The number of licensed stallions bred by Harli Seifert is over 20, the number of award-winning mares and foals as well as successful sport horses is far higher.
A restructuring took place in 2008. With the help of Harli Seifert's circle of friends, the former stallion station in Lodbergen was converted into a state-of-the-art dressage horse performance center with an attached stallion station. From then on, Harli Seifert concentrated on her breeding in Bunnen – always keeping an eye on the capable performance horse.
Honor where credit is due
Harli Seifert has received several awards for her breeding achievements. The main premium winner 2001, Rubin Royal, the VTV jumping stallion 2002, Couleur Rubin, the VTV dressage stallion 2008, Rubin Royal, and the VTV dressage stallion 2009, Romanov, are on the books.
Harli Seifert also received the bronze, silver and gold medals from the German Equestrian Federation (FN) and the bronze, silver and gold medals from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry.