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Info & service


Catalog order

We would be happy to send you our current stallion catalogue.

You can give us your delivery address by telephone on 0049-5432-595946-12 or by fax on 0049-5432-595946-99 - or you can use the contact form on the right.

You are welcome to do so in the Online version of our cataloguescroll to shorten the waiting time.


Simply click on the catalog title shown above.


Thanks for your order!

By submitting your catalog order, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our Conditions.

If you enter your e-mail address, we will be happy to send you our newsletter!


Semen order online

We kindly ask you to place your semen order for our stallions by 10.00 am.



If you wish to use the daily express delivery HippoXpress (postcode-dependent), the semen order for our stallions must be with us by 8.45 a.m. of the day in question at the latest.

Contact person: Lars Schoon

Phone:  0049-5432-595946-0

Fax:       0049-5432-595946-99


Information about the mare

Owner of the mare

Different delivery address


Desired delivery date

Shipping type

Thank you for your order!

You will receive a confirmation by e-mail.

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